Every night no matter what time it is I bring my bird feeders into the house to protect them from the bear. Yup bear. Never seen the bear, never heard the bear, but ever once in a while there is a neighborhood story of a missing bird feeder.
There are some nights when it is late and I’m half asleep and forget to bring the feeders in. Last night was almost one of those nights, but I walked back from the bedroom onto the deck in my bare feet cursing the damn bear I have never seen. I have 3 feeders and it takes 2 trips, but I was lazy and only brought in the squirrel proof bird feeder center and the suet feeder left. I didn’t bring in the cheapo Wal-Mart thistle feeder, right. OOPS, What cheapo Wal-Mart thistle feeder? Exactly, It’s gone, history, tail lights. Not even one little piece of thistle left as evidence. Just one mega bent metal bird feeder post. Damn that invisible bear.