Monday morning while sitting at the kitchen table, I saw what looked like a German Shepard loping through our back yard. It happened so fast my mind said dog, than wolf, no can’t be a wolf maybe it is a whadda you call it. As I was telling Judy what I had seen she noticed 2 more whadda ya call its loping at high sped through the back yard one with a limp. They made a U-turn one smelling the ground as they ran coming back through the yard up the mountain down the mountain circling in the back yard. The one with the limp finally stopped and waited for the other to make up its mind. Then the other picked up the scent again and they both loped off in the direction of the first one that I had seen. Thanks to
Google we found that they were
Coyotes. COOL!!! Judy got the camera out just in case they came back.

Fast forward to this morning, sitting at the kitchen table with a coffee and camera at the ready, Judy noticed this whadda you call it. I almost fell out of my chair getting the camera. I made such a loud noise that the whadda you call it stopped and look right at me. There is a little glare from the window but it’s a
Bobcat. COOL!!!!! I would hate to clean that litter box.