Sep 23, 2007

She has always liked a good deal

Friday my sweetie went in for her second round of heart Stents expecting to have only one installed, but they were having a daily heart Stent special. Buy one get the second one almost free, next to nothing. Hey while we’re in there would you like another. Why not she said? Of course she was buzzed on happy juice and would have said yes to anything. A snake, you want me to hold a snake? Surrrrrrre.

Pictures 1A & 1B Show the before and after of the first Stent.
Pictures 2A & 2B Show the before and after of the second Stent

As you can see from the pictures it was a good choice. 2A was badly closed and may not have responded to medication. Everything went fine and she was home the next day. She has always liked a good deal.

Sep 10, 2007


During the winter of 1974 I was deer hunting in the woods of N.H. when a beautiful doe stopped right in front of me. Neither of us making a sound, she gave me a look that said what the hell are you doing. I gave her a look back that said I am freezing my ass off. It was at that moment I had an epiphany. Well actual 2. The first was, there is not much difference between hunting and just sitting in the woods freezing your ass off. The second was that I could not kill this magnificent animal.

Fast forward to 2007 and one of my greatest pleasures is shooting deer with my video camera in my back yard.

Sep 2, 2007


For 35 years we have saved our children’s baby clothes and stuffed animals for when our grandchildren are born. Well the point has FINALLY come and it was time to bring it all out of storage and answer the question, “Was it worth saving all this stuff?” My wife has never faltered, but I on the other hand have often questioned the reasoning and sanity of saving things for this long.

I see now that it was all saved for that very moment. That moment when we took each item out and shared our memories.
I can now say it was worth it and thank God it is gone.

Sorry to say we found the stuffed animals to be a bit toxic and we had to give them a proper ceremony and burial.