Oct 2, 2009
Hawk-eye Yells “Bear In The Backyard”
The most recent was Dumbo. It had been tagged with huge white tags in each ear that made it look like it had Dumbo the elephant ears. Kind of. It appeared to be a smaller cautious bear that would run if it heard BOO. You will see in the video, as it came close to the bird feeder we both gave it a scolding like a parent would give a little child who was about to get into trouble.
What you won't see because the battery to the video camera died, is that the bear was cautious just not cautious of us. Hawk-eye started banging 2 pots with the sliding glass door open and nothing. It took two steps, turned and looked at us like we were 2 chubby turkey legs. I took the pots and started bang bang banging as we yelled and it took 10 steps and turned around and said what the hell. I said to Hawk-eye go get the bird feeder cause I sure would hate to lose a good bird feeder. She stepped onto the deck yelling at me, “bang the pots, bang the pots” and the bear ran off into the woods learning a valuable lesson. Don't mess with Hawk-eye and the Chubby Guy.
I have read that if you are walking in the woods and you meet a bear you should lay down and play dead. I think a bear started that rumor.
Aug 18, 2009
Things a knitter says during a TV commercial
This leads me to the title of this post, because it is during the commercial that the knitter often finds the clapping may have added or removed a few stitches without realizing it. And as any husband with a knitting wife knows this is never a good thing, especially after a long inning and the dropped stitch is way back leading to the following conversation.
OK I know what I am going to do now.......
20-22-24-26 oh damn......
Death of me yet.......
Something is screwed up again. yarn over into, no no damn......
oh oh maybe I didn't screw up. Do you notice this?
And as any husband with a knitting wife knows the answer is always, “No Dear”
Aug 10, 2009
The Musing of a Knitters Husband
Step 1......... Setup 2 points
Step 2........Unroll the entire roll of wool counting the strands of wool as you go.
Step 3......Reroll the wool into equally sized balls of wool by dividing the total amount of strands in half.
Step 4...... Don't ask your husband when to stop the first roll or you will end up with 3 balls of wool instead of 2 equally sized balls of wool
Jul 25, 2009
Laugh Out Loud
Push the play button and see if you laugh out loud
Jun 28, 2009
As we have gotten older our age once again brings us together as did our youth. Our conversations may have changed but our friendship has not.
It was a glorious weekend except no one wanted to hear about my BM issues. I'll try again in a few years.
May 5, 2009
Time Flies. Pay Attention

Apr 22, 2009
Like Father Like Daughter
Looking at pictures I took on my recent trip to Denver, I had a realization that Hadley does not look like my daughter, she looks just like her father. The roundness of her face, the way she smiles, the way her hair looks and the fact that she likes farting noises is a dead give away. There is no question she is her fathers daughter. I just hope she sings like her mother.
Press Play to view video
Mar 30, 2009
Jan 22, 2009
A boys best friend
As you watch the video you may ask why is his bed on the floor? Does he live in a trailer? Why does he have a champagne bottle filled with socks and water in his room? To answer these questions I suggest that you e-mail allbee88@yahoo.com and ask him. As for being a good husband I think he was helped along by Becky, a boys best friend.
Jan 8, 2009
Linguine Race
But with this new ability comes a feeling of nervousness. The nervousness comes from what my daughter will do if I post old video of her from the 80’s. Both Judy and I know that we looked better 20 years ago, but our daughter with hair that you read about does not think she looked better. I think she looks just fine, kind of a cross between Melanie Griffith in working girl meets Dolly Parton in 9 to 5. Do me a favor, after you watch the video below, go to her blog christyallbee.com and tell her she looks just fine. Please.
Jan 7, 2009
Home Alone
He was left Home Alone when my daughter and grand daughter came to visit in mid December. What does a man do when the wife and kid are gone? He does what comes natural for any man. He breaks out his favorite winter hat, the one with the ear flaps. Pounds down a few Baileys Irish Creme. Gets out the guitar, cranks up the amplifier and plays Christmas music until his ears bleed. As you will see from the video he is the coolest SIL that a FIL could have.
Dec 24, 2008
Why Not
Why have I waited 25 years to play the accordion again? Because my granddaughter really really LOVES the chicken dance and I really really love my granddaughter, and why not.
Sep 1, 2008
Bonding with my Grand Daughter

Here is a bonding moment. She said Granpa feed me.
It was a great day.
Aug 23, 2008
Highlights of my trip to Korea
Spending time with my Son and new daughter in law
The Wedding (of course)
Traveling and sight seeing
Eating the food
Finding Western bath rooms
Eating more food
On looking back I found that I did not take enough pictures or video of the trip. Every experience seemed new or different and I guess I was more into experiencing the moment then in taking a picture of the moment. Korea is a beautiful country, with wonderful people and now I can better understand why my son enjoys living and making a home there.
My daughter, Christy Twitface , thinks I looked like the butler Mr. Belvedere in the wedding but I think I looked like THIS GUY You be the judge.
Jul 23, 2008
Proud Parent

Now all I need is chop sticks with little forks on the end.
May 26, 2008
"The Bear" of Canton Connecticut
Thanks to my wife who from this day forward I will call Hawk Eye, not the Hawk Eye from M.A.S.H the TV show but Hawk Eye from “Last of the Mohegans”. Thanks to her sharp eye we have documented proof of the invisible bear. Or as I can now call it, “The Bear”. It seems like a small bear, but a small bear that would rip your arm off and run up behind a tree and eat it.
May 12, 2008
How many is too many, how many is not enough.
If we have deleted 7 out of 10 pictures that we have taken of my granddaughter, and we have 1000 pictures left, how many pictures have we taken. The answer is not enough. Click the play button and if you watch very closely because they go by fast, you will see 270 of them. God help me if I have more grandchildren. Where will I find the time.
Feb 12, 2008
Life in Canton Connecticut

Fast forward to this morning, sitting at the kitchen table with a coffee and camera at the ready, Judy noticed this whadda you call it. I almost fell out of my chair getting the camera. I made such a loud noise that the whadda you call it stopped and look right at me. There is a little glare from the window but it’s a Bobcat. COOL!!!!! I would hate to clean that litter box.
Dec 30, 2007
swaddle :To restrict free will
While visiting our granddaughter this Christmas I have learned that when it comes to caring for a baby things have changed since 1971. Things have changed so much that I am surprised that either of our children made it into adulthood. Yet they did and our 1st born gave birth to the most beautiful grandbaby ever in the whole world, and I’m not just saying that.
Oh, and what the hell is swaddle. I got out the parenting dictionary from 1971, and it defines swaddle as, to bind an infant in cloth, to restrict movement and free will.
(Ok I added free will) It is kind of like you can’t do anything else so you might as well fall asleep.